Sunday, December 8, 2013

Projections of South America

The goal of this exercise was to display the differences between 10 different map projections of South America.  I used the coordinate systems and projections function of ArcMap to produce each individual map projection, then exported the projections from ArcMap to Adobe Illustrator and laid each projections on top of the last.  I used the projections to create a poster in Adobe Illustrator that included necessary map design elements with respect to the essentials of map design.  Below is a JPEG of the poster that I produced.

I used ten different tones, one for each type of map projection, in order to make the different projections identifiable and to make them stand out with respect to the visual hierarchy.  I made the background of the poster an off white in order to make the important elements stand out as much as possible.  I had some difficulty filling blank space on the poster to create a nice balance, but I attempted to place the legend, description, and title strategically.  There is a line above and below the projections that marks the meridian 60 degrees west, which can be used as a reference for the position of the projections.  I included a description in the lower right corner that explains what is being displayed and what a map projection is. 

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