Monday, December 9, 2013

Map Critique 1

This is a bivariate map of election results that shows the poll results for each state using a choropleth map and measures the amount of electoral votes for each state using distortion of the geographical size of each state.  I will assess the map using the five essentials of map design below:

The geographic map definitely stands out over the white background.  It is very easy to distinguish between the the important parts of the map and the rest of the figure.  I do not see any major problems.
For the most part, it is fairly easy to read most of the lettering on the map.  Some of the blue states have labels that are hard to identify, which is a potential problem.  The font is clear and legible.
It is pretty easy to see the difference between geographical elements on the map.  Some of the blue states have boundaries that are slightly hazy, which could be problematic.  It would be nice if the boundaries between the states were all one size.
The map may not be very visually pleasing, but it does not seem like that was the intent.  It would be nice if some of the blank spaces around the map included some design elements, such as a better legend, a north star and some source information.  If a few elements were added to fill blank space and make the map look nicer there could be a major improvement in balance.
Visual Hierarchy 
The important elements of the map do stand out, but there is a problem with the explanation of the hues used.  There is no legend that explains the ranges of blue tones and the ranges of red tones.  Obviously the darker red and blue tones stand out the most, but they fail to explain why. 


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