Monday, December 9, 2013

Map Critique 4

The important elements being mapped stand out clearly.  The shading on the edges of the geographical regions helps make elements more distinguishable.  The white background makes the map stand out nicely.
Most of the text on the map is legible.  Some of the text is very small, which makes it less legible, but this is also a small version of the map.  The fonts used look good and are clear.
Distinguishing between different elements on the map is easy and I do not see any major problems.  It would be nice if the tone of white was not used as both the background and one of the tones in the choropleth map of counties.
The map fairly easy to look at and it does not have any large blank spaces.  The placement of the map design elements looks good.  It might be beneficial to include a scale and north arrow.
Visual Hierarchy
The color scheme used is slightly odd and could be improved upon.  The important areas definitely do stand out over the less important.  The red areas do stand out the most, which is good, but it is hard to visually interpret with the other tones.


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