Monday, December 9, 2013

Map Critique 2

The important areas on the map stand out very well.  The brightly colored tones of the countries being mapped really pop out over the white and grey background.  It is very apparent which countries are in the EU and which are not.
There are not many labels included, but the title and legend are legible.  It would be nice if the title was larger and if the numbers in the legend were in a more uniform font.
One slight problem I see with the clarity is that it is difficult to see the boundary between some of the countries, especially if they are surrounded by other countries of the same color.  Making the boundaries between countries more distinguishable would definitely benefit the clarity.  A neat line would also be nice.
The balance would be greatly improved if a few design elements were added to fill unused space.  The title could also be larger.  It would be nice if the legend was more detailed.  This map lacks the substance so it appears somewhat imbalanced.
Visual Hierarchy
The visual hierarchy is lacking for a few reasons.  First, the color scheme is very odd.  The tones used make the map hard to interpret.  I also find it odd that they used black to fill the countries that should stand out the most.  A different hue and color scheme could improve the map.


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